Long Live Hippy Johnny.

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Oh my god, Hippie Johnny is so great. “Hippiefied”

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He reminds me of the mad things my 1st big brother says…he can really spin a yarn.

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I wont quibble. "It was arguably the last time a grassroots movement of that magnitude happened in rock."

Also, more music journalists should use the phrase " in the dust of the record store hipster ghetto."

I haven't listened to the Best Show on WFMU in years, but it always was a blast, even if I rarely listened for all three hours. Despite it being the best show on WFMU, Vicki Bennet's Do or DIY is still my favorite show on the station.

Thanks for selecting some good bits. Didn't know about the box set... I always thought the intro to the Best show was super awesome.


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And here I thought Flo and Eddie were the only wisecrackers in rock history.

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